This past weekend, I headed to Aachen, Germany, just over the border. It was a 45 minute bus ride, so not too far. The city really reminded me of Maastricht.
There seemed to be some sort of festival going on. There were masses of people out, stalls set up with yummy looking food, a ferris wheel and tons of musical entertainment set up around the center of the city.

Ferris wheel gave us an opportunity to see the city from up high. It went pretty fast! And the "gate" where you get it isn't secure at all. Once when I was up in the air, I grabbed it and was stunned to see it open! Sooo scary!
Most of the music, if it had vocals were classic American songs. Well known and in English. Despite the crappy weather, and the continued threat of rain, there were masses of people around, listening to music, tasting beer and just having a good time.
We visited the Aachen Cathedral (the actual site is in German only). Construction was started by Charlemagne, and his remains are in the church. Many kings and queens were anointed, crowned and enthroned here. The church became an important place of pilgrimage during the Middle Ages, on par with Jerusalem, Rome and Santiago de Compostela. Following in this tradition, the church continues to welcome pilgrims every seven years. The next one is in June 2014! This church is also an UNESCO World Cultural Heritage site.

The church was really pretty inside. Everything was gold in colour and shimmery. It is very different from all the other churchs that I've visited so far. I'm not too sure what the difference is - I don't know too much about religion and everything that goes with it...
What weekend would not be complete with a marching band? There were so many out, with the music of various groups mixing together, all trying to get your attention. The silver "bulb" in the background, actually blooms and water sprays out. Its pretty cool!

Aachen was a cool city. There wasn't too much to see (perfect for a day trip), but the city was very much alive. Best things it that its pretty close to Maastricht and easily accessible =)
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