My letter from the bank finally arrived! I went to go pick up my card today. Now I just need to get the visa office to move my money from their account into mine and everything will be all good.
Monday, September 29, 2008
Tuesday, September 23, 2008
School – The Reason I’m Here (right…?)
I’ve been going to classes for the past three weeks now and I’m starting to a better understanding of the school system here. Its still an upward battle though, but things are getting easier and I’m adapting.
The school system and format is really different from school at home. I’ve been use to a semester system with a largish class size (approx 60 students). Here, instead of semesters, they have “Blocks” which last about 7 weeks + a week of exams. I’ll be here for two blocks.
The philosophy behind their teaching method is also very different. They use something called Problem Based Learning, where its more the students teaching each other instead of having a professor lecture to a bunch of students half asleep. Because of this, students are put into small classes (called tutorials) and are required to participate. Participation is a large part of the course and can determine if you pass or fail the class (aka if you don’t participate, you will fail despite marks in other areas of the course). In my tutorials I have 13 – 14 people. Really small compared to the classes of 60 students at home (which is already small compared to other faculties at UVic)! Because of the need to participate you have to be prepared for class. All the assigned readings and tasks need to be completed or else you’ll have nothing to contribute and lose marks. I’ve been struggling to stay on top of things, but there is just so much to read and so many things to prepare!
This first block, I’m taking 2 classes (you’re only allowed to take 2): Brand Management and Business and Politics in Europe (which is a mandatory class for UVic students).
Brand Management
So far this class has been really interesting! Some of the material is a bit dry, but most of it talks about consumer behaviour, advertising (excuse to go on YouTube?!), and how branding works. Most of the people in my tutorial are regular students. Of a class of 14, only 3 are exchange students. Its really amazing to see the regular students interact with one another, building off of each other’s questions and really knowing the material. They are able to make connections with the material that I never could. This is learning on a whole different level! It is pretty intense. It has been a bit difficult for me to contribute in this class – there is so little airtime! Most often I contribute by explaining things about Canada and how they relate to the particular topic we were discussing that day.
An interesting aspect of this course is our second life project. Second life is a virtual reality world where people can interact and (almost) do anything they like. Within this platform, we’ve been split into groups and asked to market a product. We create the marketing plan for our product, creating brand awareness, and implement things we’ve discussed in class. Ultimately we’ll be able to “purchase” products from our classmates. Its been a bit difficult to learn how to use second life, but the project itself is a really interesting way to learn.
Brand Management’s Island on 2nd Life
Business and Politics in Europe
This class has been intense from the start. There are lots of reading to be done on academic journals which are not necessarily the easiest to understand. This course really makes me feel stupid. Conversation doesn’t flow as easily in the class compared to the other. The majority of the people in the class are exchange students not use to the PBL system.
The materials covered really reminds me of IB History in high school mixed with a bit of the introductory International Business class I took last year. There is a lot of prior knowledge needed in order to make sense of the class. The best part of this class is that there is no final exam, only a paper. If I had a choice and it wasn’t mandatory for me to take this class, I wouldn’t. Its been a headache from the start. Some parts of it is pretty interesting, others is so difficult to wrap my head around. Even after class I’m still horribly confused. I even have difficulties understanding the teacher.
Tomorrow I’m discussion leader with another student. The two of us are responsible for leading the class in understanding the literature assigned. We had to create questions about the readings and tomorrow we guide the others in answering them. Hopefully our questions will be okay! It was difficult to create questions that were not too easy (straight out of the readings) or too hard (where no one can answer it).
Labels: Classes
Thursday, September 18, 2008
Aachen, Germany!
This past weekend, I headed to Aachen, Germany, just over the border. It was a 45 minute bus ride, so not too far. The city really reminded me of Maastricht.

Ferris wheel gave us an opportunity to see the city from up high. It went pretty fast! And the "gate" where you get it isn't secure at all. Once when I was up in the air, I grabbed it and was stunned to see it open! Sooo scary!

What weekend would not be complete with a marching band? There were so many out, with the music of various groups mixing together, all trying to get your attention. The silver "bulb" in the background, actually blooms and water sprays out. Its pretty cool!

See more pictures here.
Tuesday, September 9, 2008
Tongeren, the Oldest City in Belgium
Over the weekend, I headed to Tongeren, just over the Belgium border. It prides itself in being the oldest city in Belgium. We took the bus and it took just 30 minutes.

By the church are some walls from the original Tongeren I'm guessing. There were plaques with descriptions available, but were really washed out and difficult to read. It was still pretty cool to touch and walk over parts of the walls.

All in all, it was a good first trip from Maastricht. It was close and wasn't too different from what I was use to (both good and bad...). I definitely can't wait to head further into more French parts of Belgium and see how much of that French I have retained (probably not much >.<)
See more pictures here.
Saturday, September 6, 2008
ESN Arrival Week
Another thing the ESN organized was arrival week with a bunch of activities. You have to buy tickets to everything in advance and many were sold out really fast. I got tickets to the Cantus, the Dutch buffet and the final party. I wanted to go on the fortification tour but they ran out of tickets. I think there was a bowling night and a pub crawl as well. I met tons of people and it was an awesome way to start the year.
Labels: ESN, Maastricht
Friday, September 5, 2008
Market Day!

Labels: Food, Maastricht
Where exactly IS Maastricht?

Labels: Maastricht
Thursday, September 4, 2008
Things I Have Noticed
- The proper name for the country is Netherlands. Holland refers to 2 provinces in the Netherlands in the north west. According to a lecturer I had on my orientation, people in the rest of the country get offended when you call their country Holland. Maastricht is in the province of Limburg (and I think its the capital of it too).
- Everyone gets around on bikes and mopeds. I can't wait to get my own bike and getting around will be so much easier! (Buying one seems to be a pain the butt though. Everywhere its super expensive to buy a USED bike. Upwards of 50 euros! I had previously heard it was only 20-30 euros...)
- Bikers seem to have the right of way. Cars yield to them and pedestrians yield to them (to avoid getting run over). They just go zooming around wherever they want. Pretty crazy.
- The traffic lights are vertical (just like at home), but instead of being on the opposite side of the intersection, it is right in front of the car. The traffic light system is kind of confusing with lights for cars, bikes and pedestrians. I have yet to figure out the pattern (or maybe there is no pattern?!)
- Everything shuts down on Sunday. There is nothing open except for the odd touristy place and restaurants. If it is open on Sunday, they have reduced hours. Sometimes on Koopzondag there will be stores open. This usually is the first Sunday of the month. This past weekend, everything was closed, but next weekend, some times should be open.
- Stores do not open until 12PM or sometimes 1PM on Mondays. I made the mistake of heading down to get a SIM card on a Monday around 10:30 to find nothing was open.
- Department stores seem to be a big deal here. Walking around, there are a lot of department stores with everything under the sun available.
- Everyone speaks English (and probably French and German as we're so close to the border), but everything is written in Dutch. Really disorienting. Google translate has become my friend.
- The Dutch greet each other casually by saying "Hoi hoi" which sounds to me like "Oie oie." I've heard people use it to say goodbye and as a sound of warning too.
- There are no front lawns or back lawns for houses. There is the sidewalk and right there is the front door to the house. As you walk down the street you can see into people's houses. Somepeople use window distortors (kinda like the boxes TV uses to obsure a person's identity) to avoid that, but a lot don't.
Tuesday, September 2, 2008
Maas River
Labels: Maastricht
On Sunday, I headed to the food festival (Preuvenemint in Dutch) in the main square. There were lots of musical entertainment and tents serving food and beer. To try the food you need to buy tickets.
These tickets can be exchanged for food depending on the stall's "price" list. There was a wide range of food available from sushi to Korean to Dutch food. I really wanted a sausage as I was unable to try one at the buffet. The only place was this:

Labels: Food, Maastricht
Monday, September 1, 2008
Cell Phone
I ended up getting my cell phone unlocked at an electronics store in Richmond at a reasonable price. Because I was picked up by the ESN (Erasmus Student Network) at the train station, they gave me a SIM card from Ortel Mobile with 2 euros credit. I used it for a week and then I found that the rates were really high compared to other prepaid SIM cards.
In the end I chose Lyca Mobile because they had the lowest rates. 18 cents per minute calling within the Netherlands and 9 cent per text. Its 12 cents to call home and 9 cents as well to text to Canada. Its only when you leave the Netherlands it gets pretty expensive. When you first buy the card, you can register it to get additional free credits. I did that, but my credit never came (but I think I may have entered the address wrong so its probably my fault).
Another alternative with similar rates is Lebara Mobile. I also heard that T-Mobile had pretty good rates too.
Labels: Cell Phone, Maastricht