There are two libraries on at UM, the main one was where I went to do all my printing and was a great place to meet with classmates to work on projects. The library set up is pretty interesting – you’re not allowed to bring your bags or jackets into the library. Instead they have lockers for you to store your belongings. If the lockers were all full, they had hooks for you to put up your things. To get into the library you need to swipe your UM card. Definitely a lot more security here than the libraries back at UVic.
The main entrance to the UM Library.
The lockers
Pulley system for jackets and bags
The most annoying thing at the library is that there are very limited printers available and more often than not, they don’t work properly. Especially at the beginning of the block, there are tons of people wanting to print things. The line for the printer is super long and the printers kept on breaking down. Ugh – so frustrating.
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