It has been ages since I’ve updated here. Since the last time I wrote, I’ve been doing tons of traveling. I’ve traveled to some smaller cities in Germany following the Brother’s Grimm Fairy Tale Route, visited Vienna, Salzburg and Prague and went to Den Haag for a day trip.
I also celebrated my birthday in style as a mime, went on my first (scary and bumpy) bike ride in the Netherlands, wrote my first set of exams and started a new class block at school.
End of Block 1 Classes
The first block officially ended on Oct 17. For finals, I had to write a paper for my Business and Politics in Europe class and an exam for my Brand Management class. Because I was leaving right after my exam for Vienna, I had to finish my paper fast. We were required to develop an argument based on a bunch of literature we had read during the course of the class. The most difficult part was coming up with an argument that involved all of the literature (that ranged from a variety of topics from lobbying to types of capitalism, problems with transitional governments to governance). The end result was a crappy written paper (although the beginning wasn’t too bad). My exam went pretty well - all I was hoping for was a pass and surprisingly I did fairly well =)
Block 2 Classes
I’ve started my second block classes already. I’m taking Crisis Management and Global Transportation Management. They’ve just started so I’m not too sure where they’re headed. I’ve done one presentation for the transportation class and have another one on Thursday about ocean shipping, ports and canals. These classes have less exchange students compared the ones I took last block. I’m the only exchange student in my transportation tutorial!
Scary Bike Ride
I had decided on not purchasing a bike while I’m here, instead walking everywhere. Maastricht isn’t all that big and its easy to walk to school and to the centrum. It takes about 15 – 20 mins to school and 20-30 mins to the centrum which isn’t too bad and I really don’t mind walking (except when its pouring, but that hasn’t happened too much). One weekend, one of my friends was heading out of town so I asked if I could borrow her bike. There is a Chinese supermarket by the main train station but its really far to walk so I decided to take the bike. To put things in perspective, the last time I rode a bike I don’t even remember. Maybe grade 8?? Too long ago! The streets here are much smaller and the cars pass you so much closer. Half the streets are cobble stone, making for a very bumpy ride. Then there are a bunch of one way streets that bikes technically aren’t allowed to go the wrong way on either. But by the time I got back, I was feeling a little more comfortable with the traffic. Its great to get around, but I’m still glad I’m walking everywhere. Too stressful!
Stayed tuned for updates of my travels!