Wednesday, April 23, 2008

Application - Finally!

Awesomeness! UM finally released their application! Its not too bad. It is an online application with a couple questions about your personal information, where you're coming from - standard application stuff. Thankfully no requests for recommendation letters! The application process seems pretty complicated. First I have to fill out that online application and print that application and attach 3 passport photos for the IP office. Then I can apply for housing. After that I wait for my ID and password to register for classes... Good thing the IP office is coordinating the paper application and photos - one less thing to worry about. Got to get everything in by May 16... Thats not too bad, still have tons of time!

There is a mandatory orientation day on August 28 so I'll have to arrive before that. Block 1 classes start on Sept 1. Thats pretty early compared to UVic... But I'll be done everything by Dec 19 so thats not too bad...